I love my kids, I do, but it was so nice to be able to get through an entire bowl of cereal this morning without being interrupted. I actually made it to the bottom of the bowl with out my Raisin Bran being a soggy mess. (Yes Raisin Bran, I am a boring mom, what can I say?)
So what to do, what to do? Well, two lists come to mind: the things I should be doing and the things I want to be doing. Very different lists you see.
The "should" to do list has things like:
Cleaning closets
And the like.
The "want" to do list has things like:
Watching a movie
Reading a book
(And if I am being honest I should probably put reading a book on the "should do" list. The book I am supposed to be reading for book club is not very interesting. I hope it get better. I have the movie on stay-by just in case.)
So what to do? Should do, what to do ... Should do, what to do ...
The responsible "mom" in me feels obligated to do at least a few things on the "should do" list, but the lazy part of me only wants to exert as much energy as is takes to change the channel.
I guess we'll see if anything gets checked off either list by tomorrow afternoon when I pick the kids up and the volume increases dramatically in our house.
At least I can check "write blog" off the list.
Wait a minute that wasn't on a list ... bullocks!
If you "want" to make me very happy you "should" scroll to the top and click on the Top Mommy icon to vote for my little blog that could. Many thanks!
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