Yes, we love each other, blah, blah, blah, of course all that, but also ... We sing just about everything. All the time. Everything we do, seems to have some sort of singing attached.
We sing along to the radio/Google Play/Pandora, we sing about what we are doing, we make up nonsense songs.
We are Marshall Erickson on How I Met Your Mother.

It's strange and silly, but also COMPLETELY AWESOME. (And the fact that we both do it is even more awesome, because I could see how if you weren't into singing everything, it might get a little grating. But we do, so it doesn't and it's awesome!)
I was trying to think of some examples to illustrate our complete nerdiness, er' I mean, awesomeness, but of course my mind went blank. Does that ever happen to you? It happens to me all the time. You can think of a million and one examples until you are pressed to think of one and then - nothing. Mind blank. Except of course for some annoying TV commercial you saw three days ago that is running on a loop in your mind (I'm looking at you Taco Bell "Afternoon Delight" ear worm).
Then dinnertime came and examples galore! (Thankfully I was nerdy enough to write them down so I wouldn't forget!)
Example #1:
Dinner was just about to begin. We had announced to the kids to wash their hands and get seated at the table while my husband I finished up getting drinking and plating food. My son - the speedy hand washer that he is - was at the table in seconds and drooling over the plate in front of him. In fact he was SO famished he couldn't even wait until we were all seated, and snuck a couple bites from his plate. (Never mind that he didn't have silverware yet, minor inconvenience.) Of course he was caught in the act and mildly reprimanded.
"I just can stop from eating," he whined. Without hesitation my husband began singing "How can I keeeeep from eating?" (For those of you who may not know the song is really "How Can I Keep from Singing" and it's a church song.)
A couple chuckles from me, but since this is our daily life, no explanation, clarification or admiration required. On with dinner we go.
Example #2
Our youngest finally got to the table, climbed up in her seat and asked if she'd have to wear a bib with dinner. I answered yes, because we were having rice with dinner. Again, with our hesitation my husband breaks into "Rice, Rice, Baby" (ding, ding, ding, ditty, ding, ding). Than I break into singing the rest of the song. (Alright stop, collaborate and listen, ice is back with a brand new edition.)
Example #3
Then during dinner, our youngest was talking about something (for the life of me I can't think what) that she was going to do after dinner.
"I can't wait for tomorrow - I mean, today," she said.
My husband and I both lifted our arms into the air and shouted "Today!"
I'll give you a second to figure that one out. I am sure most of you already have it as it is possibly the most awesome Neil Diamond song in his amazing repertoire. If not, it's from his hit song America - and shame on you, go listen to some classic Neil as penance. I assure you, it won't be painful!
And all this is just a taste. Not even our best work, we've got a million of them. In the morning when I see my daughter's bus driving down the rode to pick her up and often sing "Here Comes the Bus" (doo doo dee do).
We stick our kids' name into any random song we hear that might remotely rhyme with it. We keep the tune but completely change the lyrics of songs to fit various situations. We sing lyrics that are blatantly wrong, but kind of sound like the they are right (As long as I have you here with me, I'd much rather be, reverend blue jean, babe).
We can't help it.. We don't even have to try, it just happens. I love it.
It won't be long until our kids start doing it too and in small ways they already have. (Although I can't think of any examples because I am trying to think of some examples.) Pretty soon our house is going to be like a musical - we will all just randomly break out in song and no one will think it is strange. (At least no one INSIDE the house.)
I'm no Julie Andrews, however, and sorry to say hun, you are no Bing Crosby (thank goodness, in so many ways). But I don't care. We love to sing and we will keep on doing it until we start to annoy each other.
Then we will do it louder ...
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