I know many people feel the same way and, like me, after they eventually stop hitting the snooze and grumpily get out of bed, mentally calculate the number of hours until they can get back in it again.
I am not a morning person.
Even though the sun was shining (not when I got out of bed of course - a couple hours later) and even though it was going to be another "warm" day in Michigan I was irritable. (I say "warm" because although Michiganders consider 55 degrees warm, not everyone else does. We take what we can get people. It's been a long cold winter.)
But I am pulling myself out of it. You know why?
Because Minions.
For those of you who just crawled out from under the rock you have been living under for the past four years (and kudos to you for choosing THIS blog to read), a minion is a lovable, incomprehensible yellow little creature from the movie Despicable Me. I guess they really are supposed to be bad guys, they do work for an evil genius after all, but you can't help but just love them.

Last year big wigs at Dreamworks milked the cash cow a bit more and come out with Despicable Me 2. * Spoiler Alert!!* It in the minions actually do turn evil.

In my funk this morning I had a thought - what kind of minion am I?
For the most part I think I am a good minion (and by good and mean the cute yellow ones). I am pretty much an hopeless optimist. Maybe even to a fault. I fully admit that I am more than a bit naive. I like to think that everyone is good and honest and wants to do the right thing. (See the naivete there?)
I know I have lived a bit of a sheltered life to still have this outlook, but what can I say? I have and I do. (Don't worry though I'm not going to send my bank account number to some Prince in Egypt or anything.)
I'm just a glass half full kind of gal.
Let me tell you it's not always easy. Sometimes it's difficult to find the good in something (or someone) or even a silver lining. Bad stuff happens. Negative thoughts creep into my mind all the time. But I have leaned, usually the hard way, that tearing others down to build myself up is the not the path to happiness.
And pessimism - that evil, purple minion, can be tough to shake, but it is a sad lens to look at the world through. Everything is not doom and gloom (despite what the news tells us). A lot of good is happening. Even what may not overtly appear as good.
There will always be pain, there will always be sadness, there will always be tragedy. Even someone as optimistic as me knows that. Bad stuff happens. Sometimes not even the sliver of a silver lining can be found.
So why not make the most of every other moment we have? Let's try to find good and happiness and joy in everything we see and do. Let's be the happy little yellow minions as much as we can and maybe this world will little a brighter because of it.
And the next time my mood is more than a bit foul, I will take a breath close my eyes see an adorable little yellow minion and smile.
Because Minions.
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