Every morning I get out clothes for him. Then I tell him what to do with the clothes he has on. Our kids wear their pajama two nights before putting them in the dirty laundry (no judgement here on whether that is gross or wasteful, that's just how we do it). So I tell them to either hang up his pjs or put them in his laundry bin. I don't shout it down the hall or whisper it quietly, I say it in a loud clear voice right in front of him exactly what he needs to do.
I walk out of the room so he can change and two seconds later,without fail, I get this:

How does he not hear me? I am talking right to him. He doesn't have the TV for distraction. He is standing in front of me. What is he possibly thinking about that the words coming out of my mouth do not register?
There is nothing wrong with his ears either - he can hear, he just chooses not to ...
I could blame myself. I don't have him repeat it back to me, I'm not "down on his level" looking him in the eye, and all that, but COME ON! I'm busy. He's the kid, I'm the parent - he is supposed to listen to me. (Ha, ha, he's supposed to listen to me, good one Sarah!)
Its not just this little morning routine either. It's all the time. It's meal times and story times, bath times and especially clean up times (no surprise there).
I don't seem to have this kind of trouble with my girls. Even the two-year-old hears things better then my four-year-old son.
I guess it just reinforces a little theory I have about the male and female brain. My analogy is the male brain is like a waffle and the female brain is like a pancake. The male brain only thinks about one thing at a time - like the syrup goes into one pocket at a time in a waffle. The female brain - which thinks about everything at once - is like a pancake, where the syrup goes all over the place. (Is analogy the right word there? I know I should know it, but I fear I am using it wrong.)
What do ya think? Fair comparison? A little mean? Maybe, but I do think it's pretty accurate.
So with my son I am just destined to repeat myself forever, and ever and ever. His little waffle pocket must be full thinking about Hotwheels or ninjas or nothing at all. Men can actually do that - think about nothing at all. Amazing ...
In the end, we may be different, but we're all breakfast food, so I guess we all win.
Shoot, now I want some waffles ... And a pancake or two ... And some bacon ... Mmm bacon ...
After you gobble down a couple pancakes, click on the Top Mommy Blog button at the top and vote for me! And have another piece of bacon!
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