Like the law of averages or the rule of threes, I have come to find that I have a number rule/law that applies to my house. I have taken to calling it the "2/3 Rule." The definition is as follows: if two of my three kids are happy, I consider it a win. Because it is nearly impossible for all three to be content/happy/not crying or yelling at the same time.
At least while the TV is off. And even then there would have to be some food involved.
And I am OK with this. Two-thirds is more then half and 0.67 is not a failing grade, close but not failing. (OK, OK I rounded up. You would, too, admit it!)
Their moods change so rapidly and frequently throughout the day that it is difficult to keep up. The tiniest little nothing things sends them on a downward spiral and then what you think would devastate or anger them, they brush off like it is nothing. What was funny one day is not the next and what they LOVED one day they can't stand the next. So if at least two out of the three are happy at the same time, I feel like I am doing pretty good.
Now just you don't think I am an awful ogre, there times when all three get along swimmingly (usually they are up to no good, but they are quiet). And some times no one is happy. But we take what we can get. It's a tightrope we parents are walking here ...
This school year my oldest is gone all day. She hops in the bus in the morning and off in the afternoon and all I have to do is wave and smile at her wonderful bus driver who takes away all the anxiety and frustration that goes with pick-up/drop-off time at an elementary school.
While she is away I have the little two at home. My son has preschool a few hours every morning, so I even get some time every day when I am down to one. (Grocery shopping has not been this easy in a LONG time.)
But even when the little two are both home, the conflicts are at a minimum. Very little screaming, very little fighting, very little crying - and the kids well behaved too. But it seems as though the minute the bus drives away and my oldest comes bounding through the door, the trouble begins. Siblings start getting excluded, the volume increases exponentially and the physical violence begins.
Now, so you don't think that I am blaming this all on my oldest, I will stress that it doesn't matter which combination of the kids are together - as soon as the third enters the mix the problems begins.
Today for example: all three are home from school for yet ANOTHER snow day. (OK, fine - at least it is getting warmer.) After lunch the younger two go down for naps (glorious nap time!) while the oldest occupies herself. HEAVEN! Of course the nap for my son last all of 20 minutes so now he is up and starts playing with the oldest. They play a little upstairs, they play a little downstairs - they bother each other (and Mommy) very little. Then the littlest wakes up and it takes oh, about 30 seconds from her appearance in the living room before the yelling begin.
Strange phenomenon? Maybe. "2/3 Rule," definitely.
It doesn't help that my youngest changes her sibling loyalties on almost a daily basis. One day is all about her brother and it's the "little kids vs. the big bad, big sister," then the next day it's "sisters unite, girls rule and boys drool!"
The older two know it, too. They actually jockey for her affection sometimes. It's kind of funny actually and a little sad. A tiny little two-year-old with so much power.
Sometimes all that power goes to her head though and she wavers too long on her decision and ends up getting left in the dust while the older two repair whatever difference they had at that moment and go off and play together - without her. So then she cries ...
And the "2/3 Rule" goes into effect again ...
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