I love being a woman. I really do. There is not one single ounce of me that wishes I could be a man (sorry fellas, but it's true). I have always loved my gender and being my gender and am in my opinion I am a bit of feminist. I am sure I am not to the degree that some woman are, but I believe I do fall somewhere on the feminist spectrum.
I am of the mindset that anything a man can do, I can do. Except of course for those few anatomical things that it is about impossible to do. (I said, about impossible, so don't revoke my feminist card just yet. If we put our minds to it we may just accomplish those things yet. Gotta go for the brass ring, right ladies!)
Not that always enjoy doing all those manly type things. I really dislike killing bugs, or taking out the garbage or snow blowing the driveway, but I can do it and I will do it because I think it is important.
All that being said there are some things that I truly love about being a woman. No, it is not being able to carry a human being inside me and give birth etc. etc. That is all well and good and a wonderful thing, but no, what I love about being a woman is much smaller: painting my fingernails.
Yup, the simple act of brushing some polish on my fingernails makes me feel really good and really happy that I am a woman. Sound silly? Well maybe, but right now as I look down at the cherry red on the tips of my fingers a little smile crept across my face. It makes me happy, it makes me feel pretty and while I know that is not a very feminist thing to say, it does.
But you see, having my fingernails painted doesn't mean I still won't kill a bug or take out the garbage or use the snowblower. It just means my hand will be more accessorized when I do it.
In fact in some ways I think it makes it even cooler when you do. "Look at me giant daddy long legs or pincher bug (sorry I don't know the correct name for those bugs) look at my nice shiny red or pink or blue or green fingernails. Aren't they pretty? Yep, they sure are. Bettcha think that I must be all dainty and going to scream and run away from you don't ya? Well, lookie here, I gots me a tissue .... Am I gonna use it to wipe away the tears in my eyes from the sheer sight of you?? Nope, guess again, squash ... "
I just really enjoy when my fingernails are painted. Not that are painted all the time. But when they are it just brightens my day. I love seeing other women's fingernails painted. I don't do acrylic, but I marvel and what some ladies can do with incredibly long fingernails and the intricate way they are painted. It's cool, it's fun, it's easy and it makes me glad that I am of the female persuasion. Because even though there are men who do paint their fingernails, it not generally accepted among the male population like it it with the ladies.
On the flip side, there are also some manly things that I like to do that make me feel powerful and get my testosterone all a'flowing. I may love being a woman, but sometimes you just have to access your inner dude right?
Top of the list is starting up a lawn mower. Has to be a push mower though. I don't think I would get that some feeling turning the key on a riding mower. Grabbing that cord and pulling with all your might and hearing that mower come to life ... kinda makes me what to grunt like Tim Allen in "Home Improvement." It's a cool feeling. I don't always enjoy mowing the lawn, but those few seconds starting up the engine almost make up for it.
For me though, what is best of all, is that we ladies can have it both ways. We can paint our fingernails and mow the lawn. We can go out to work all day and get sweating and dirty and then come home and put on a dress and go out looking stunning. It's awesome. I love it.
Unfortunately though, I see a chip in my index finger so it looks like this paint is gonna go pretty soon. (I love painted nails, but I really don't like chipped ones). I may paint them right away, I may not. It is just nice to know that I can instantly brighten up my day with just a little bottle or color with a brush right inside its lid.
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