Friday, November 22, 2013

Mother Nature's got a case of the Mondays ...

Ahh November ... the grayest month of the year. Not that I am against gray or anything ... I actually really love gray. And one tall, dark-rimmed, handsome Gray and three adorable, demanding, spunky little Grays in particular.

No, gray I have no problem with. But cold gray - well, cold gray and I are not friends. Like today for example. Today it is very cold and very gray. The sky is gray, the ground is cold and hard, everything is just kind of blah. (That is a technical term by the way. It is ok to be impressed by my vast vocabulary. Don't be intimidated.)

Days like today makes me think that Mother Nature has a "case of the Mondays." I know, I know, it's not TECHNICALLY Monday, but a blah day like today (watch out, I'm using my "technical" terms again) make me feel like it really IS Monday and I just want to crawl under a big warm blanket and watch romantic comedies or repeats of 30 Rock until the sun shines once more.

Blast you November! I do love Thanksgiving and all - if we can still find it among the obnoxiousness of pre-Christmas- but why does your weather have to suck so bad? I know people who actually like this kind of weather and more than like it, they prefer it. These people are know as nut jobs (another technically term) and should be studied.

I can understand people who are generally upbeat and happy making the best of dreary day like today and remaining upbeat. But actually becoming happy when you look out the window and see a vast sea of gray clouds, a sharp wind blowing and stark, barren, life-less trees - well, that is just loony.

It is almost like a pessimist's mood come to life. Maybe those people who do like these kind of days are pessimists and it makes them happy to have to rest of us see how they feel. Maybe I am just thinking too much about this. Although it is not like to me to over think or over dramatize something .... (Is my tall, dark-rimmed, handsome Gray rolling his eyes yet?)

It would be one thing if it were sunny and cold. I could at least think "well, at least there is no snow yet." Or if it were warm and overcast I could think "at least it's not cold." And if there was snow on the ground I could say - you know what, I'd probably be cursing if there was snow on the ground. I am not ready for that white stuff yet, and will not be for at least a couple more weeks.

By now you must be thinking, geesh lady, you sure are picky (and you talk to yourself a lot, you may need to talk to a professional about that. And by professional we mean A PERSON, not just another voice in your head you call Dr. Peabody.) And you're right ... I just like my weather a certain way ok? I'll take the cold, but the sun needs to be shining with it. I can take the gray, but it also needs to be above 50 degrees. What can I say, weather really affects my mood. (Did I use the right word there? I never know if it is affect or effect. I kinda know the rule, but not enough that if I was on a game show I would win any money giving the definition or anything. I mean, does ANYONE besides English teachers really know the correct usage. Well, if you do, you are much smarter than I am. But then again, you knew THAT already.)

And now, on top of the gray, it's getting dark. Not that is really all that different, but I used to be able to see my keyboard fairly clearly from the gray light coming in through the window, and now I need to turn on a light. Time to go curl under a blanket and wait for sun ....

I think I saw that Bridget Jones' Diary was going to be on - that just may do the trick ... Oh bullocks ...

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