Friday, October 25, 2013

Germ-a-phobe I am not, but come on!

A pox upon your house!

I feel like our family must have seriously ticked of some old wizard or witch from the 1700s (and I don't even watch Game of Thrones) and those words were uttered in our direction, because, whew, it has been weeks since everyone in our house has been healthy. And we are still not totally there.

I for one am completely over it. I feel like every surface of our house is covered in germs and I just want to dip the whole house in a big vat of Lysol. In fact as I look at this keyboard I can almost see the germs accumulating on the "a" button, now the "e" button, now the "n" button .... ahhhh! Stop the madness!

Ok, keyboard and hands have been disinfected so I feel a little better. Still feel like am living in a Petri dish. Although doesn't anyone who lives with or works with kids feel like that. Germs, germs, all the time germs. And they keep passing them back and forth between each other and no matter what you do, you can seem to avoid catching it. Oh man, I am totally grossing myself our right now.

It started weeks ago when my oldest got some sort of bug. Fever, stomach stuff, feeling over all yucky (that is a technical medical term, in case you didn't know). Lots of "getting sick" as we call in our house. Sounds way less gross to us that the other terms you can use when the contents of your stomach head in a northernly direction.

She was babied, as all my kids are when they are sick. It is the most helpless feeling in the world when your kid is sick and there is nothing you can do to make them better. Give them soup, medicine, let them sleep, sure you can do all that stuff, but you can not physically take away the illness. Only time can do that. And my kids look super pathetic when they are sick. It is the saddest looking thing.

We all thought she had kicked by Sunday only to find out in our church's vestibule we were very, very wrong. Oh so embarrassingly wrong.

By Monday she had kicked it, but then the little two got it. Within about a half hour of each other. So when one "got sick" you knew that in thirty minutes or less the other would follow suit (like a really disgusting vintage Domino's commercial).

Then my hubby got some mutant strain of the bug that was less "physical" and more "audible." He never missed any work, but we both missed a lot of sleep due to the coughing. (Sorry hun, but you know it's true.)

Then my oldest got sick AGAIN. And not just sick - the kid got the SWINE FLU. Yea, the bleepity bleepin' SWINE FLU. I still can't quite believe that some medical genius decided to name this strand of flu after a pig, but I am sure there is some explanation out there that I don't really care about right now because I'm still reeling from my kid's diagnosis of the bleepity bleepin' SWINE FLU.

I had been on top of the whole flu shot thing too - that is the ironic part. I know they needed it and my youngest had had hers and my son should have had his (but I wanted one not raised in eggs because of his egg allergy). The only reason my oldest DIDN'T have hers was because she had scouts the day the other two went in to get theirs. I had an appointment set up for her the next week. So of course she gets the bleepity, bleepin' flu five days before her appointment. Of course she does. Sigh ... Curse you witch/wizard person ... what have I ever done to you??

And when you are used your kids going off the school all day and your life is in some sort of routine, having them home really throws everything off. In some ways it is good because you are not running off here, there and everywhere, but now you also have one more demanding child at home and not only demanding, but sick. And I have a hard time saying no to a sick kid. A sick child is my kryptonite. I will do just about anything for them. Even if they have spend more time being sick then well in the last three weeks.

So all these germs have me more than a bit paranoid about my own health, so I decided I too am going to get a flu shot. So naturally what happens? I get sick. And I am telling you I have not felt this awful in a LONG long time. Go to the doctor, have to get that AWFUL throat swabby thing (which I think could possibly used as a form of torture) only to discover - nope I don't have anything. Maybe something viral but no medicine needed. WHAT the what? Come on! I KNOW I can be a bit dramatic (what? shocking I know!), but I HATE admitting I am sick. It is just something about me. I don't like to be sick so I consciously will it away. (Does that really work you ask? I say yes, but my husband may have a different answer.)

So to tell me to just gargle salt water and take some Motrin to make me feel better when I KNOW I am sick - that just ain't gonna cut it folks. The witch or wizard who I seriously offended must have taken some sort of pity on me because just as I was getting ready to walk out the door I was stopped. The stick thingy from the throat swabby test (yes, I am using technical medical terms here) changed and now surprise surprise I really AM sick. Yeah! (Wait, did I just cheer because I am sick?)

Medicine prescribed, medicine taken, feeling better, pox lifted (fingers crossed anyway). Still think dipping the house in Lysol wouldn't be the worst idea. We have all had our shots (now I am making us sound like a bunch of dogs - had our shots, sheesh). Well, all except the captain of our little ship here - my husband. But he has already been told by the two-year-old that he needs to get it done.

And  he really should because I don't need ANOTHER sick kid in the house ... Love ya hun!

(Oh and Happy 10th Anniversary sweetie! Betcha didn't think that ten years ago when we said "I do" I would be telling the world - or at least the 10 people who might read this - about your coughing or needing a flu shot did ya? For better or worse baby, for better or worse.)

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