Friday, September 6, 2013

Let's get it started!

Hello Bloggosphere! Welcome to the crazy little space between my ears!

This is my first time blogging so excuse me if I am doing it wrong - but hey! I'm new here, cut me a little slack! I'll get the hang of it eventually. And if I don't I'm sure the blogging gods will let me know and punish me by make me watch all the seasons of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" on a continuous loop until I am bleeding out my eyes or come to my house, confiscate my computer and shake their finger at me in disgust.

But for now I am here and I plan on taking full advantage. Here are my thoughts people and you must read them! Or you can just click the little red X in the right hand corner of your screen too - it's entirely up to you. 

If you do decide to stick around, first off thanks! And second you may as well know up front that I am going to write about my kids. A LOT. I am a stay-at-home mom (domestic goddess, housewife, homemaker ... whatever PC term we are using these days) and so my kids are in my face, and under my feet and in my space all day every day. Don't get me wrong I love it, even if it may not always come across that way, but this is my life.

So in turn, it's what I write about. So what makes me different from the millions of other stay-at-home moms, a few hundred of which probably have a blog just like mine? Well .... nothing really. I don't have some amazingly unique parenting style, or am amazingly crafty or am a gourmet chef who cooks only organic meals ... I am just your run-of-the-mill mom with three kids (six, three and two) who is desperately trying to get through the laundry and the dishes and the Legos ... Some days are fun, other days are trying and all days are tiring. 

So if you like my style of writing and my attempt at being humorous stick around - there is more to come. If you don't, thanks for stopping by and reading to the end. It's been a privilege having you on my page. You are a very attractive individual too ... did you lose some weight? I love your hair that way too ...

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Welcome to the bloggosphere! Maybe now I will get off my butt and write and we can have dualing blogs! Bring it on sister!
