gasp, gasp, wheeze ...

There, that's better!
I feel like I have been running around like a crazy person these last couple of weeks! SO MUCH STUFF TO DO. I feel like I am constantly behind. Right now for example I have grocery bags all around my feet needing to be put away and my youngest plopped in front of the TV (awesome parenting right there) so I can write this. Because I WANT to right this. I really like doing this, but it just feels like there has not been enough time to DO it. (Or, my fingers don't work, like yesterday. What was up with that? They still aren't working great today, but I will run spell check and get through it.)
Is it just me, or is May just a super crazy month? Every year it seems like it gets more and more filled with activities, practices, events etc., until BAM it's June. I mean what is it today - May 21? Wait, my phone says May 22. 22? Yikes - wasn't it yesterday May 7 and my youngest turned three? This weekend is Memorial Day right? Yup, good ... should be able to relax once we reach our final destinations. (Sounds ominous right? Ha, I'll just let you all wonder ...)
Yesterday I actually had a few minutes to decompress, so I went outside to sit and read (wish I could get into the book I am reading - just not hooking me yet). I had not been outside five minutes when my son came out.
"Mommy, you want to play catch with me?"
Whimper. I had just sat down!
"In a few minutes, buddy. Mommy wants to sit a bit."
"OK, I'll just play catch by myself."
AHHH - major guilt bomb!
Needless to say I got off my duff right then and there and played catch with my son. Busy or not, tired or not, I HAVE to do it. It's so important. I may be busy, but I can never be THAT busy.
Now I know some of you are saying, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, you silly, silly lady. You don't know what busy is! If you took a look at MY life you would faint and sheer magnitude of things I must do in a day. And you don't see me complaining. And you are right, you are not complaining. But you ARE kind of rubbing it it my face how much more awesome you are than me and that is obnoxious which is complaining's loud cousin.
Is this busyness just my life now? As the kids get older and they are involved in more things (arguably things I sign them up for) will my life just stay this hectic or become more so? I already know the answer to the question so you don't have to tell me.
It's OK, I just need to come to terms with it and stop thinking it will slow back down eventually.
I mean it will eventually - when they are all in college ...
Don't be too busy to click on the Top Mommy Logo at the top and vote for me!! Many thanks!
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