Friday, December 13, 2013

If I see someone wearing a nightgown at Walmart, I just may lose it ...

There is a problem out there that has reached such epic proportions that I can not hold my tongue any longer. This epidemic is running wild in the streets and if something isn't done it may be the collapse of civilization as we know it.

People: stop wearing pajamas in public.

Look, I get it, pajamas are comfortable. I look forward to putting on my pjs every night and curling up on the couch. So wear pajamas - wear them all day if you want to. Just don't go out in public with them. It is just wrong.

For one, the clothes you are wearing are meant to be under your sheets and blankets, not wandering the aisles of Meijer or Walmart. (Or McDonald's, or the movie theater, or Applebees.) There is a reason why we change our clothes before we go to bed. For comfort yes, but we have been out in the world all day, coming in contact with goodness-knows what. Do we really want to bring all that in to bed with us? It gives me the willies just thinking about it. Gross!

Secondly these articles if clothing are not designed to be worn outside the home. Pants that have Homer Simpson plastered all over them or over sized chili peppers are not meant to be fashion statements. They are comical, playful, silly covers for your derriere that are supposed to be worn while you watch the Simpsons IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME.

In my mind there are only a handful of reasons one should wear pajamas in public. They all are emergency related: going to the hospital, evacuating your house in the even of a fire or flood ... you know times when you have no time to change.

What happened to the days of presenting your best self when you went out? Women used to wear nice dresses and men suits and hats. We all so looked dapper and clean. I know I just romanticizing that time period, and while we may have come a long way since then in terms of equality and technology our fashion sense has taken a nose dive.

I am not quite sure how it happen either. It must have been some celebrity (Michael Jackson) worn pajamas out in public ONE time and and suddenly that made it ok for everyone to do it. Well, it is not ok.

Clothing manufacturers seem to have given up too. They don't even label them pajama pants anymore. It is like they know that they aren't going to be worn solely for sleeping so way market them as such. I was looking for fun pajama bottoms for my husband for Christmas the other day and what I ended up buying were not even pajama bottoms. They were "lounge pants." I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em right?

Now I realize there are many degrees of elastic pants. There are exercise pants, yoga pants, jogging pants, pants with a giant words across the backside ... And I can't in good conscience say that all pants with an elastic waist band should only be worn inside the home, because I would be a giant hypocrite. So while I realize it is a slippery slope from yoga pants to pajamas in public let's all try to have some self control and take some pride in ourselves. You are all attractive, smart, hard-working members of society. At least change out of the pants covered with Stewie Griffin's face and put on pair of yoga pants or jogging pants before you head out the door. 

I (and society as a whole) thank you in advance. I am sure your sheets thank you too ...

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