And it's not just because my Tim Horton's Cafe Mocha is kicking in. (Man, I love me some Tim Horton's!)
Some of it has to do with the weather. I have self diagnosed Seasonal Affective Disorder so this sunshine, blue sky, temps in the 50s and climbing does wonders for my mood. How can a sunshiny day not just make you smile?
Some of it has to do with feeling extremely accomplished (and it's not even noon). *Brag alert* (You may want to skip these next couple sentences or prepare yourself for a nice big eye roll.) I have gotten so much done today so far! Morning run, check, All three kids to school on time, check (ok the bus helped with that one), shopping for my mini me's birthday, check, mother's day crafts pieces picked up, check. Mini me picked up from school ON TIME, check. Home and typing a blog post before noon, check. (even though I am sure by the time you read this it will be after 12.)
Ok, brag over. Resume normal reading.
Probably the biggest factor in my awesome mood is the incredible songs playing on the radio on my drive home. (Yes, I listen to the radio - the regular radio. No satellite, no Pandora, the staticy commercial-filled radio.) It started with REO Speedwagon's "Keep on Rolling" - I mean what else do you need to get the minivan a rockin'? A little air keyboard, air guitar, and amazing air drums and I don't give a bleep who may be looking strangely at me as I drive by. I'm in my own little REO world.

Hard to top REO, but the next song came close. NKOTB baby!! (New Kids on the Block for all of you who were over the age of 10 in 1989.)No lie, it actually came om the radio. Step by Step! Love it!
Unfortunately the station got too staticy for me to hear Diana Ross and the Supreme's afterwards, but one switch of the station and it was "Uptown Funk." Switching gears to the classic country station, I then got to serenade with Dolly Parton's "Why'd you come in here lookin' like that" and Jo Dee Messina's "Lesson in Leavin'."
I mean was the radio on fire or what?
As I pulled in to pick up my little one I was jamming to "Heaven is a Place on Earth," by Belinda Carlisle.
Don't judge. My music tastes may all over the place, but I don't care. Give me a good beat and some decent lyrics and I won't care about the genre. Expect death metal - I just don't get that.
So bring on the rest of the day! So far, so great! I mean I will probably crash at 2 p.m., but I'm going to ride this high as long as I can.
Or until the Tim Horton's wears off .... Roll with the changes, baby ....
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