Well, it IS summer, so schedules have been off, we've been busy and ... aww, forget it, even I'M not buying that.
Truth is I've been lazy., Yup, I said it lazy. I'm not ashamed. (Well OK, I'm a little ashamed.) It's true though. I'd like to say I've been SO swamped with all the fun summer activities we've been scampering off to that I simply have not had time to sit down and blog (you can use blog as a verb right?). But no, I've been piddling around online watch YouTube clips, reading blogs and of course spending WAY to much time on Facebook.

Mother of the Year award - right here!
My kids have had loads to time to play outside and use their imaginations because I am not hauling them hither and yon in an effort to entertain them. Bikes and balls and sidewalk chalk are sufficient toys for a seven, four and three-year-old. (They seem to have a HUGE fascination with our watering cans, too.)
We have not just been cooped up at home though. Just now I asked my kids if they wanted to go to the park today or tomorrow. The girls picked today and of course the boy picked tomorrow. He started to whine about it then said "I'll be upset unless you let me sit in the back."
Did he just threaten me? You get an "A" for effort in manipulation, but it won't work on me. Scream a throw a fit it you must. I'm sure if it doesn't come from you it will from one of your sisters at SOME point today. It always does ...
I love 'em, but mercy me are they LOUD! And stubborn! And smart-mouthed. Annnnnnnd , they got all that from me, so I have no one to blame but myself. (See why I turn to YouTube? I NEED that hamster smiling through the wood chips so I don't lose my mind.)
The count down to school begins and thankfully all my kids are as excited about the first day as I am (I'm sure they are sick of ME too!). This year all my kiddos will be in school at least part time which will be strange but also good.
I'd like to say that means I'll be writing most posts for your amusement and criticism. I'd like to say that, but with all this free time I might start playing this Candy Crush Saga everyone keeps inviting me to play ...
Maybe I'll talk to you again around Halloween ...
I know it's been awhile, but you can still vote for me! Just click on the Top Mommy Logo at the top. Thank you!
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